Advice and Survey

Our advice and survey service provides comprehensive solutions to clients seeking expert guidance in restoration projects

We offer professional pre-construction advice and surveys for architects, project managers, surveyors and building owners to help understand and outline the cause of building failure and the appropriate strategy to remediate. We will provide technical advice for the repair work as well as cost information to help you confidently move forward and make an informed decision on what remedial action is required for your building.

Drone surveys

Using the latest technology to capture 4K high resolution videos & detailed photography of potential problems on your building, we can offer our clients are more detailed & ultimately more accurate cost for their renovation works negating the need for provisional sums or ‘subject to survey’ qualifications.

Surveys are carried out in-house by our CAA qualified commercial drone pilot using state of the art equipment and includes all necessary Local Authority and Civil Aviation pre-approvals.

Benefits to our Clients:

  • Data collected in hours rather than days, avoiding lengthy approval delays to erect scaffold or hire in cherry pickers.
  • All surveys carried out from the Ground providing a much safer inspection environment and process, together with allowing all members of your Team full data visualisation in the comfort of their office.
  • Minimal disruption to your business & asset operations
  • The high-resolution images can be taken in many formats’ allowing it to be used for Planning or Design purposes, together with in-house presentations. With the addition of technology such as LiDAR [light detection and radar] a millimetre accurate 3D survey of any area such as windows or ornate stonework can be re-produced for production purposes.
  • To comply with Part L of the building Regulations and the latest Governments EPC ratings for commercial building Thermal imaging equipment can be attached to our drones. This equipment is also capable of identifying moisture ingress.

In summary, drone building surveys are environmentally friendly, safer and cost a fraction of the price compared to scaffold or other mechanical access equipment.